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Behance Portfolio Reviews

Just like the plumber tends to have the leaky faucet, I have a strong suspicion that many designers don’t have a portfolio. Even seasoned designers. Why? Probably because they’re so busy working on design projects for clients.

I’ve been in the industry for 20 years, and it’s almost become a joke that I’ve always got a portfolio in the works, yet never completed. When your work day is done, it’s tough to flex the same muscles you used all day, making it easy to put on the backburner until you really need to change jobs.

Whether your new to the field of design, or a veteran looking for an upward change, it’s important to have a strong, current portfolio. And it takes a lot of work. Luckily, there are opportunities like the Behance Portfolio Reviews which happen twice a year in multiple cities.

On Tuesday, October 20, in London, ON, there is a portfolio review night for professionals to connect and get feedback on their creative work (